
In a commendable effort to address the pressing issues of period poverty and environmental sustainability, SheWings Foundation, in collaboration with We, organized a series of impactful Health and Hygiene Camps across educational institutions and communities in Noida. The campaign, held on Christmas Eve, sought to raise awareness about menstrual health, provide support to underprivileged individuals, and promote the use of plastic-free sanitary pads for a better and sustainable future.

Chetram Sharma College of Education Camp

On Christmas Eve, SheWings Foundation kicked off its campaign at Chetram Sharma College of Education in Noida. The Health and Hygiene Camp aimed to eliminate period poverty by distributing plastic-free sanitary pads and educating attendees about the importance of menstrual hygiene. The initiative received substantial support from We, emphasizing the collaborative effort required to address these societal challenges.

Arsh Kanya Gurukul Camp

The foundation continued its impactful work by organizing another Health and Hygiene Camp at Arsh Kanya Gurukul in Noida. The objective remained consistent – to eliminate period poverty for a better future. The campaign emphasized the significance of community support in breaking the taboos surrounding menstrual health and promoting a more inclusive and informed society.

Support for Housemaids and Housewives

Recognizing the need for targeted efforts, SheWings Foundation organized a camp specifically focused on supporting housemaids and housewives in Noida. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene, encouraging the use of sanitary pads over traditional cloth methods. By empowering this segment of society, the foundation aimed to contribute to a positive period experience for women who often face challenges in accessing menstrual hygiene products.

Period Awareness and Eco-Friendly Discussion at Noida Inter College Bhangel

The campaign reached its zenith with a period awareness and eco-friendly discussion camp at Noida Inter College Bhangel. SheWings Foundation facilitated open dialogues about menstrual hygiene, debunked myths surrounding periods, and emphasized the use of eco-friendly sanitary products. The discussion served as a platform for sharing information and fostering a sense of community responsibility towards the environment.

SheWings Foundation’s relentless efforts in organizing Health and Hygiene Camps across Noida have made a significant impact in the fight against period poverty and environmental degradation. By distributing plastic-free sanitary pads, conducting educational sessions, and fostering community support, the foundation has taken a step towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future. The campaign serves as a testament to the power of collaborative initiatives in bringing about positive change in society.

The Future of Menstrual Hygiene: How Aware Are Women?
In future , we can expect to see a significant increase in women’s awareness about menstrual hygiene and health. Over the past decade, there has been a global movement to break the stigma surrounding menstruation and promote menstrual hygiene management as a crucial aspect of women’s health. This movement has gained momentum through various initiatives, campaigns, and advocacy efforts.
  • “Empowering Women: The Rise of Menstrual Hygiene Awareness in future”

By 2023, Education and awareness programs about menstrual hygiene are likely to be integrated into school curricula, ensuring that girls and young women receive comprehensive information about menstrual health and hygiene practices from an early age. These programs will cover topics such as menstrual cycle education, proper sanitary product usage, safe disposal methods, and managing menstrual discomfort.

Technological advancements will also contribute to menstrual hygiene awareness. Mobile apps, online platforms, and digital resources will provide accurate information, answer questions, and offer support for women seeking guidance on menstrual health and hygiene practices. These platforms will promote open discussions, sharing experiences, and debunking myths surrounding menstruation.

Future Areas of Women's Menstrual Hygiene Awareness

Education systems: Schools and educational institutions can play a crucial role in providing comprehensive menstrual health education to girls and boys. Menstrual hygiene management can be included in the curriculum, covering topics such as menstrual cycle, hygiene practices, available products, and the importance of maintaining good menstrual health.

Public health campaigns: Governments, NGOs, and health organizations may continue to initiate public health campaigns that focus on menstrual hygiene awareness. These campaigns can aim to reach a wide audience through various channels such as television, social media, and community outreach programs.

Digital platforms: Online platforms and mobile applications can provide easily accessible information and resources related to menstrual hygiene. Women can access reliable information, track their menstrual cycles, receive reminders, and connect with healthcare professionals for advice and guidance.

Community involvement: Local communities can organize workshops, seminars, and support groups to promote menstrual hygiene awareness. These initiatives can involve healthcare professionals, women’s organizations, and community leaders who can provide guidance, answer questions, and address any concerns related to menstrual health.

Product innovation: Continued research and development can lead to the creation of more hygienic and sustainable menstrual products. Innovations in menstrual products, such as reusable pads, menstrual cups, and period-proof underwear, can contribute to better menstrual hygiene practices and reduce environmental impact.

  1. Oh, my! It’s that time of the month again when you have to deal with all the cramping, bloating, and, of course, the bleeding – sounds familiar, ladies? Periods are frustrating, and while some women barely feel their wrath, for many others, the monthly aunt flow can be quite an ordeal. Dealing with irregular periods and bearing with the excruciating pain those four days and the lead up to it is not the best feeling in the world.

It is such an essential part of being the woman you are. Embrace it! Yoga will help you do so

1. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward facing dog pose or Adho Mukha Shvanasana is an asana which is pronounced as A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna. Sanskrit: अधोमुखश्वानासन; Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana – Dog; Asana – Pose;

The name comes from the Sanskrit words adhas (अधस्) meaning ‘down’, mukha (मुख) meaning ‘face’, śvāna (श्वान) meaning ‘dog’, and āsana (आसन)
meaning ‘posture’. The Adho Mukha Svanasana looks similar to a how a dog looks when it bends forward. This asana has numerous amazing benefits that make it extremely essential for you to practice it every day. The best part is, even a beginner can get the hang of this asana with great ease. know more …

2. Dhanurasana

Sanskrit: धनुरासन; Dhanur – Bow, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As dah-noo-rah-sah-nah

Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose is one of the 12 basic Hatha Yoga poses.
It is also one of the three main back stretching exercises. It gives the entire back a good stretch, thus imparting flexibility as well as
strength to the back.

3. Ustrasana

Ustrasana, Ushtrasana, or Camel Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: उष्ट्रासन; Ustra – Camel, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As oos-TRAHS-anna
This asana, popularly called the Camel Pose, is an intermediate level backward bend. Ustra means camel in Sanskrit, and this pose resembles a
camel. It is known to open up the heart chakra and increase strength and flexibility. This asana is also commonly referred to as the

4. Malasana

Malasana also known as the garland pose, squat pose is an asana. Mala Garland, necklace, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – maa-laa-sa-na

Malasana is also called Upavesasana or Garland Pose. It is, quite
simply, a squat. Squatting comes naturally to kids and people who work in the fields. However, those who have desk jobs have lost practice and
find it painful and uncomfortable to do it. But that should not discourage you from doing this asana because it is, in fact, most
beneficial to those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Matsyasana

Matsyasana or Fish Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: मत्स्यासन; Matsya – Fish, Asana – Posture; Pronounced As – mot-see-AHS-anna

When you look back, Hindu mythology states that Matsya was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. It is said
that the earth had become corrupt, and a flood was going to wash away the earth. Vishnu donned the avatar of a fish, called Matsya, and
transported all the sages to safety, thus ensuring all their wisdom was preserved. This asana aims at being focused and resilient when you feel
out of balance, just as the Matsya struck that balance between the earth and the sea.

6. Paschimottanasana 

Paschimottanasana is a seated forward bend that stretches the entire back of the body, from the head to the heels. This pose can help to relieve stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation, and calm the mind. It also stretches the muscles in the pelvic area, which can help to alleviate menstrual cramps and regulate periods.

7. Bhujangasana 

Bhujangasana is a gentle backbend that stretches the muscles in the chest and abdomen. This pose can help to improve circulation, reduce stress and anxiety, and stimulate the reproductive organs. It also strengthens the muscles in the pelvic area, which can help to alleviate menstrual cramps.

8. Balasana 

Balasana is a gentle resting pose that can help to alleviate stress and anxiety, improve digestion, and calm the mind. It also stretches the muscles in the pelvic area, which can help to alleviate menstrual cramps.

To practice this pose, kneel on the ground. Take a deep breath, spread your knees as wide as your hips, and try to touch your toes together. Then slowly bend your head between your thighs as you exhale. Your shoulders must lie on your hips.

  How Does Yoga Help Solve The Period Problem?

Yoga is extremely effective when it comes to curing irregular periods and heavy blood flow and alleviating the cramps and pain. Yoga is the best medicine, and it cures all menstruation-related problems. Here’s

  1. It stimulates the reproductive organs, which leads to their better functioning
  2. .It reduces stress and completely relaxes your mind and body.
  3.  It regulates your metabolism, therefore allowing you to maintain your ideal weight.
  4.  It works on your hormones and balances them out.

Smoking is the act of breathing in or breathing out the smoke of tobacco or drug. We often get aggressive when anyone stops us to smoke, but in reality, it causes harm that is untreatable at all costs. Yes, smoking affects the eggs of a female and creates a problem in inducing pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, cyanide, carbon monoxide, and over carcinogens, and these toxin-reactive species intend to damage the fragile eggs in the woman’s body and can eventually lead to the state of ‘miscarriage’, if the egg is fertilized by the sperm, and can lower the chance of pregnancy.

Smoking is a known risk factor for several health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. However, it is also important to understand how smoking affects women’s reproductive health, particularly the quality of their eggs. In this article, we will discuss how smoking affects the eggs of a female.

Female Reproductive System

Before we delve into the effects of smoking on eggs, let us first briefly discuss the female reproductive system. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and these eggs are stored in the ovaries. Each month, one of these eggs is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilized by a sperm. If fertilization occurs, the egg implants itself in the uterus, where it grows into a baby.

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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

In our life, the most strenuous subject is to find out a little difference between two equivalent things. Human tendency often tries to avoid such meticulous observation whether it is related to health, fruits, vegetables, or anything else. But, such defiance is not always worthy of health. The best evidence lies in the types of headaches named Migraine, Hypertension, Stress, Sinus, etc. which are familiar by their special and different positions. This is a very common and discussional topic, for which people can easily find out the solutions or take some remedies.

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It sounds good when everything goes right in your life. Everyone wants their lives to be smooth and relaxed. Nowadays in our hectic schedule, we can hardly enjoy our moment. But, to get a stress, a strain-free life, we should follow regular exercise that can provide you a vigorous mind along with your sound health. Even in the times of menstrual cycle, exercise becomes beneficial for your health.

It is true that exercise can reduce period pain; it also helps you to decrease your mental stress and depression. So, girls and women are advised to follow their regular routine even in their period of time. If everything goes right at that time, it is a good sign.  If for some reason, girls miss out their determined date despite following their healthy routines, it really becomes a matter of concern.

The girl falls in much worriedness and becomes anxious which is normal. A determined period date can be late, but if it continues for a prolonged time, one should go to a doctor for a valuable consult. Many factors can affect the menstrual cycle. But before that, one should keep in mind that everything is kept in its limitation also. Even excessive exercise is not good for health. It affects the menstruation cycle.

The physiologic stress of exercise can hinder the progress of your hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. This hypothalamus is a structure of the brain that regulates the menstruation cycle. It conveys a hormonal message to the pituitary gland and ovaries that gears up the ovulation. If this vital communication gets interrupted as a result of physiological stress, then such exercise or weight loss will not ovulate. Naturally, when one does not ovulate, menstruation will not happen to her and surely, she’ll miss the period.

        What is Amenorrhea?

When one misses her period only because of strenuous exercise, it is called exercise-induced amenorrhea. Amenorrhea in athletes is called exercise-associated amenorrhea. Intense training and quick weight loss
can affect the menstrual cycle by elevating the metabolism which is responsible for sustaining chemical reactions in the body. The combination of intense strenuous exercise and low carbolic intake puts 
very significant stress on the young athlete’s body which turns down the stimulation of ovaries. Not only this issue but when estrogen level drops, it causes bone loss along with other negative health consequences.

Exercise might be helpful in reducing painful periods by its effect on prostaglandins which play an important role in creating uterine contractions and cramping even with an underlying pathology. But, one
should be more conscious about that condition when you feel intense pain at the time of excessive  exercise is dangerous  while you are under period, especially if you have uterine fibroids which are known as tumors that grow from the
smooth muscles in the wall of your uterus wall. When the body involves in exercise, it shifts the blood flow to favor the heart, lungs, and muscles including the uterus. Under normal circumstances, the uterus adapts the flow without any problem. But, if one faces fibroids, there lies a possibility of low blood flow during exercise. Such a condition is familiar with the name of Ischemia which is similar to the happenings of a heart attack. When a muscle becomes Ischemic, one can feel the pain. Fibroids also have increased pain in the uterus and feel cramping when one performs an exercise during the period along with Ischemia.

By: Binita Maity

Exercising regularly is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. However, the intensity and duration of exercise should vary depending on various factors such as age, fitness level, and hormonal changes. Women, in particular, should pay close attention to their menstrual cycle and adjust their exercise routine accordingly. Engaging in excessive exercise during one’s period can be harmful and should be avoided.

effects of over exercise during periods
  • Effects of excessive exercise during period:

    Excessive exercise during periods can lead to various health issues, including hormonal imbalances, amenorrhea, and bone loss. Hormonal imbalances can occur due to the production of cortisol, a hormone that is released when the body is under stress. When cortisol levels are high, it can interfere with the production of other hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which are crucial for regulating the menstrual cycle. This can lead to irregular periods, missed periods, or even amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation for three or more consecutive months. Excessive exercise can also lead to bone loss. Women who engage in excessive exercise have been found to have lower bone density, making them more susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis. This is because the body releases cortisol, which can interfere with the absorption of calcium and other minerals essential for bone health. Furthermore, excessive exercise can also lead to fatigue, weakness, and muscle soreness, making it challenging to perform daily activities.

  • How to adjust exercise routine during periods:
    Women should adjust their exercise routine during periods to avoid the potential health risks. Light to moderate exercises such as walking, yoga, and cycling are recommended during periods. These exercises help to improve blood circulation, reduce cramps, and relieve stress. Additionally, women can also perform strength training exercises, which help to maintain bone density and muscle mass. It is also essential to stay hydrated during exercise, especially during periods. Drinking enough water can help to reduce bloating and cramps, as well as improve energy levels.